The solution to fix Dell 1130/1130N printer with the above errors: 1.Replace new toner cartridge for Dell 1130/1130N: - Each toner cartridge for Dell 1130/1130N (Dell 330-9523, 7H53W, 2MMJP Toner Cartridge) costs about $103. Computing limits of toner cartridge chip is the main reason for Dell 1130/1130N printer can not print. It can only be calculated approximately 2.500 - 3.500 pages with coverage 5%.

I used a simple LPT port interface and ponyprog software. 99 thoughts on “ Resetting the page count on a laser printer ”. Dell 1135N will never show errors around toner cartridge. Reset counter of toner cartridge chip's Dell 1135N permenantly by software (firmware fix): - This is the best optimal solution to fix computing limits of toner cartridge chip Dell 1135N. But toner cartridge chip are limited computing toner powder coverage on opc drum.

The cause of these above errors: - Dell 1130/1130N are used a toner cartridge chip for managing the printed page and computing toner powder coverage on opc drum,this makes sharper prints and save more toner powder.

These errors usually appear on before or after refill toner for Dell 1130/1130N printer but the printer still does not print. This article demonstrates how to fix errors around toner cartridge of Dell 1130/1130N printer: - Dell 1130/1130N shows errors on printer's LCD or popup an error on computer with one of the following errors: Replace toner, install toner, end of life replace new cart Dell 1130/1130N, toner cartridge is not installed, Install the cartridge.